coastal habitats

The Ochthebius From Western Palaearctic

We have compiled all available information regarding the presence of Ochthebius species in supratidal rockpools in the western Palaearctic, distinguishing species typical of these habitats from those whose presence is occasional...

The neglected diversity of the Ochthebius fauna from Eastern Atlantic and Central and Western Mediterranean coastal rockpools (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae)

We describe four species of Ochthebius subgenus Cobalius (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae) from coastal rockpools of the western Palaearctic Rregion: O. anzar sp. nov. (south Morocco, plus a dubious possible specimen from Lanzarote, Canary Islands), O. cortomaltese sp. nov. (Malta), O. evae sp. nov. (Atlantic coast of...