
Ochthebius (s.str.) caudatus Frivaldszky, 1883: redescription, new records, and group assignation based on molecular data

The halobiontic Ochthebius (s.str.) caudatus FRIVALDSZKY, 1883 is redescribed and recorded from Poland for the first time. Based on molecular data it is assigned to the O. marinus group. Its ecology is briefly described.

A new species of Micragasma J. Sahlberg, 1900 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) from Crete

We describe a new species of Micragasma J. Sahlberg, 1900 (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae), which is here treated as a subgenus of Ochthebius Leach, 1815. The new species, O. (Micragasma) minoicus sp. n., was found at the margins of a coastal rockpool in …