
The Ochthebius From Western Palaearctic

We have compiled all available information regarding the presence of Ochthebius species in supratidal rockpools in the western Palaearctic, distinguishing species typical of these habitats from those whose presence is occasional...

Cryptic lineages, cryptic barriers: Historical seascapes and oceanic fronts drive genetic diversity in supralittoral rockpool beetles (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae)

Morphologically cryptic lineages confound many estimates of global biodiversity and are often discovered in ecologically specialized taxa, subject to strong morphological constraint. Such a situation may apply in many extreme environments, including …

The neglected diversity of the Ochthebius fauna from Eastern Atlantic and Central and Western Mediterranean coastal rockpools (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae)

We describe four species of Ochthebius subgenus Cobalius (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae) from coastal rockpools of the western Palaearctic Rregion: O. anzar sp. nov. (south Morocco, plus a dubious possible specimen from Lanzarote, Canary Islands), O. cortomaltese sp. nov. (Malta), O. evae sp. nov. (Atlantic coast of...

A molecular phylogeny of the tribe Ochthebiini (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae, Ochthebiinae)

Ochthebiinae, with c. 650 species distributed worldwide, are the second most speciose subfamily of the aquatic beetle family Hydraenidae. They are ecologically the most diverse hydraenid subfamily, with terrestrial species as well as species in almost all types of aquatic habitats, including hypersaline waters...