
A new, putatively semisubterranean, Rhithrodytes diving beetle from southwestern Sardinia (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)

The diving beetle genus Rhithrodytes Bameul, 1989 is endemic to areas surrounding the Western Mediterranean Basin, and currently includes six lotic species; three each in Europe and North Africa. Here we describe a striking new species, Rhithrodytes pantaleonii sp. nov., discovered during recent fieldwork in southwestern Sardinia.

On the presence of Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) in the Iberian Peninsula: new records with morphological and molecular data (Hemiptera: Aphelocheiridae)

The presence of Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Hemiptera: Aphelocheiridae) in the Iberian Peninsula has been on the spot in the last decades. New records collected in northern inner plateau (Riaza River, Duero Basin) provide new insights about the presence of this species in the Iberian Peninsula...

A molecular phylogeny of the tribe Ochthebiini (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae, Ochthebiinae)

Ochthebiinae, with c. 650 species distributed worldwide, are the second most speciose subfamily of the aquatic beetle family Hydraenidae. They are ecologically the most diverse hydraenid subfamily, with terrestrial species as well as species in almost all types of aquatic habitats, including hypersaline waters...

A new classification of the tribe Hygrotini Portevin, 1929 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae)

The tribe Hygrotini Portevin, 1929 is currently composed of four genera, Heroceras Guignot, 1950, Herophydrus Sharp, 1880, Hygrotus Stephens, 1828 (with two subgenera, Coelambus Thomson, 1860, and Hygrotus s. str.), and Hyphoporus Sharp, 1880. A …